Easybrain opened three more STEM centres

Easybrain opened another three centres to learn STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). This time we went to secondary schools of Belarus in Valische (Brest region), Brahin (Gomel region), and Glubokoye (Vitebsk region).

The centres are equipped with computers, educational robots LEGO WeDo, EV3 and Mindstorms, 3D printers and software to enable pupils to learn the programming language Scratch, the basics of robotics, 3D modelling and prototyping.

In the school of Glubokoye, the Centre for Digital Education was established on the basis of the new class. Pupils from nearby schools and gymnasiums of the districts will be able to study here. The class will be open all year round. In the summer, it will work as a camp.

At the opening ceremonies, the schools arranged amazing concerts, kids constructed real robots right in the class, and the round table talks were vivid with dozens of interesting topics that were brought up.
Again, we were happy to see talented kids who work together to learn and invent, who take part in contests and competitions and inspire each other to explore. The computer science teachers have a deep understanding of STEM and know how to better implement it in the educational process.
For now, Easybrain has opened six STEM centres and more are on the way. We appreciate the enthusiasm for the new opportunities, the commitment of everybody involved, and the positive feedback we get.